
Episode 141: Feliz Navi-Dads: Sherry-ing is Caring (ft Enramistas)

Disgorgeous Season 12

The boys are joined by Dana Staley and Nick Africano, the bi coastal team behind Enramistas, a sherry wine club thats taking the world by storm. We recorded this 1000 million years ago, but holy fuck has the world of sherry transformed when you weren’t looking. Please sign up for the next drop of some truly radical sherry at http://enramanewyorkcity.com/sherryclub or via the ‘gram. ///List///

CALLEJUELA, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Manzanilla Fina//

Alexander Jules, Jerez de La Frontera, Fino//

Ramiro Ibanez/ Cota 45, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Agostado Cortado 2016 ////

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