John McCarroll and Kevin Diamond are booze industry paragons and total hunks. Follow their journey as they open rad wine, kick back, and learn valuable lessons about being true to their own appellations.
Episode 285: The Many Saints of Iberia: Saint Jordi
No guests, no hope, no filter: The boys finish the Portuguese season the way we always knew they would -- talking about Dragons, Democracy and the Damn Catalans. Kevin teases the next big season towards the end, but please get ready for SUMMER PROGRAMMING up next, which means delightfully weird episodes with a lot of your friends and enemies about topics we can't (yet) build a season around. As always, new episodes are going up like biweekly clockwork on Patreon.com/disgorgeous :) ////LIST////
Rim / Jordi Esteve, Emporda, 'Sarau,' 2022//
Insula, Clarete do Açores, 'Chão de Sal,' 2022//
Luis Seabra, Douro Tinto, 'Mono C,' 2021 ////