
Episode 276: Sauv's the Day Pt 2: Total Eclipse of a Cab ft Kenneth Crum

April 09, 2024 Disgorgeous
Episode 276: Sauv's the Day Pt 2: Total Eclipse of a Cab ft Kenneth Crum
Show Notes

The hero of upcoming Heroes NYC, Kenneth Crum came to discuss our turn towards right wing / red wine extremism, the upcoming eclipse, Napoleon and John's worrying chemical imputs. This is the second episode in a row we recorded on the couch and it's really addicting.  Please go to Kenneth's new restaurant, Heroes NYC the instant it opens and also many times afterwards. //// LIST////
Franco Terpin,  Collio, 'Sauvignon,' 2017//
Bakkanali, IGT Toscana Rosso, 'Kab,' 2022//// 

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